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How to disable hardware media control keys for your browser (Firefox or Chrome)

Lately it’s been really annoying that browsers integrate media controls. Especially if you are sharing screen at the work place, nobody cares if you are listening to Katy Perry or Tyler Cassidy


  1. Open firefox
  2. Head to about:config
  3. Accept warning and look for media.hardwaremediakeys.enabled
  4. Set it false
  5. Restart the browser


  1. Open Chrome
  2. In the address bar type-in chrome://flags/#hardware-media-key-handling
  3. Set it to „Disabled“
  4. Look for chrome://flags/#global-media-controls-cast-start-stop
  5. Set it to „Disabled“
  6. Restart the browser

Git: Sample SSH config for multiple repos

Using multiple repos with Git (which relies on OpenSSH) terminal/CLI while keeping security a priority with separate keys requires an initial config. Here is a must-know „trick“ if you need similar setup. You will need to create a file called „config“ (yes, no file extension) in you .ssh/ folder. The sample file below provides more details.

# Alias
Host <host-name>

# Host domain or IP
HostName <host-ip/domain>

# (Optional) Username - when using SSH
User <host-username>

# Path to file identity file (i.e. private key)
IdentityFile <path-to-private-key>

In a scenario where we need access to both Gitlab and Github, an actual example would be:

# Github
Host github.com
HostName github.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_rsa

# Gitlab
Host gitlab.com
HostName gitlab.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gitlab_rsa

This way when you try to execute a git pull from either GitLab or GitHub you will be using the appropriate key for the corresponding repo.


How to disable or enable Hyper-V on Windows 10 when using Docker and VirtualBox

Docker depends on Microsoft’s Hyper-V virtualization technology in order to run. VirtualBox on the other hand – doesn’t. So here are two ways to accomplish the task of enabling Hyper-V or disabling it.

Note: Either of the approaches requires restart of the machine!

1. Using Windows PowerShell (required elevated privileges)

To enable use:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All

and confirm when prompted.

To disable use:

Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-All

and confirm when prompted.

2. Using the GUI

Find „Turn Windows features on or off“ in the start menu (directly type it in):
Turn Windows feature on or off dialog screenshot
and check/uncheck the „Hyper-V“ boxes depending on whether you want it enabled or disabled.

3. Alter boot configuration data (not tested on Windows 10)

You can read this article by Scott Hanselman targeting windows 8 on an approach if you need to switch you configuration on daily basis.

At the time of this writing
Docker is: v17.03 (community edition)
VirtualBox is: v5.1
